A new book was published: Yunusov Kh. The European Union and Central Asia: From a Strategy of Cooperation and Partnership – Towards New Opportunities for Enhanced Partnership – Toshkent Jan Mone nomidagi Yevropa tadqiqotlari bo’yicha ilg’or tajriba markazi

This book covers almost every aspect of EU-Central Asian relations. It examines the history, present and future of bilateral and multilateral relations, a comparative analysis of the European Union’s strategic documents on Central Asia adopted in 2007 and 2019 is reflected. The Uzbek language translation of these documents is also attached to the book. This work is intended for all readers who are interested in issues of regional integration, the European Union and its relations with Central Asian countries. The book can be found in the libraries of higher education and research institutions of the republic. It is planned to deliver the book on a personal order basis for our researchers and scientists who are conducting scientific research in the fields related to regional integration and the European Union.
The main content of the book is partially reflected in the following scientific articles of the author published in international and national publications:
Policy of the European Union in Central Asia: a vortex of balances or a gatekeeper on the gallows / Lawyer Bulletin – Vestnik Jurista – Lawyer Herald. Legal, social, scientific and practical magazine. 2022 Volume 6, Issue 2. – No. 6 (2022). – B. 61-69:
EU policy in Central Asia: a vortex of balances or a tightrope walker on the rope /European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies. Volume: 02 Issue: 12/December 2022 – P. 39-43: https://eipublication.com/index.php/eijmrms/article/view/494.
