On December 13, 2022, Tashkent Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Studies at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy is hosting an international scientific and practical conference on “New era of the Uzbekistan-EU relationship: economic, technological and environmental cooperation for ensuring sustainable development”.
In recent years, Uzbekistan has been carrying out large-scale reforms aimed at liberalizing the economy, deepening the country’s integration into the world economy, developing relations with foreign countries. Uzbekistan is interested in developing trade, investment and financial cooperation, advanced technology transfer, collaboration in the fields of science, education, preservation of environment, health and culture with the countries of the European Union. The new expanded partnership and cooperation agreement between the European Union and Uzbekistan provides a solid foundation for deepning the cooperation in various areas.
The purpose of holding this conference is to develop scientific and practical suggestions and recommendations to strengthen cooperation with the countries of the European Union, taking into account the national interests of Uzbekistan.
The conference will be held in the following areas:
Session 1. The trends and prospects for the development of trade and economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and the countries of the European Union.
Session 2. The directions of development of investment and financial cooperation between Uzbekistan and the countries of the European Union.
Session 3. The opportunities for the apllication of the EU countries’ experience in the development of science and technology as well as innovation in Uzbekistan.
Session 4. Prospects for cooperation of Uzbekistan and the countries of the European Union for sustainable development. Efforts of the countries to mitigate the consequences of global warming and climate change.
The languages of the conference: Uzbek, Russian, and English.
At the end of the conference, the electronic version of the collection of conference materials will be available on the Center’s website.
We ask you to send the text of the article for publication to the e-mail: azizabdulla1982@gmail.com with the surname on the file name (Azizov A_maq.doc).
The deadline for submitting articles is December 3, 2022.
One author can submit no more than 2 articles to the publication.
- The length of the artcile must be within 3 to 4 pages in Microsof Word. A4 format. Font must be 14-point Times New Roman. One-and-a-half spacing must be used. The margin must be 2 cm at the top and bottom as well as 1.5 cm on the left and right of the page.
- The name of the article must be given in capital letters at the top. Leaving one interval, the following line must contain the author’s surname, first name, the name of the organization where the author works (higher educational institution, scientific research institution), as well as a phone number. Leaving one more interval, the text of the article starts;
- The references for the sources are given at the bottom of each page;
- The materials that do not meet the above-mentioned requirements are not accepted.
For reference: University of World Economy and Diplomacy. Tashkent City, Mustaqillik Avenue, 54. Phone: (+998) 71 267-08-51, mob: +998 94 608 64 47, e-mail: —azizabdulla1982@gmail.com
Zoom Meeting ID: 829 6005 3311
Password: 166248
Time: 13th December, 2022